What is Chiropractic?
It is a natural form of healthcare to diagnosis and correct misalignments of the joints, especially those found in the spinal column. These misalignments can also cause pressure on the spinal nerve roots and spinal cord which can lead to nerve and musculoskeletal pain. Chiropractors term this misalignment a subluxation complex. This is why our focus is locating and analyzing the spine for subluxations and correcting them with a chiropractic adjustment.
At Abbott Family Chiropractic, there are different techniques we utilize to adjust the spine. Dr. Conklyn maintains an advanced certification in Activator Method® which is a low-force instrument adjusting technique. She also provides hands-on adjusting techniques. Both techniques are gentle in their approach to correct vertebral subluxations and allowing the nervous system to function properly and your body to begin healing naturally.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic?
There are numerous benefits to Chiropractic care. Besides helping with pain and stiffness around the spine, pain in the extremities such as leg and foot or arm and hand pain, numbness and tingling can be linked to subluxations in the spine. Chiropractic care can also benefit people who suffer from headaches or neck pain and stiffness. Whether the pain is due to a recent trauma or something that has been bothering you for years, we will find the best treatment plan for you.

Who can Benefit from Chiropractic Care?
Anyone. Our patients range from newborn to the elderly and every age in between. Pregnant women, athletes (high school, college, or the weekend warrior) also see benefits from chiropractic care. We will help get you back to enjoying life.